Trezor Suite

Desktop client for managing Trezor One and Trezor Model T. Also contains modules for managing cryptowallet funds and a password manager, which derives the decryption keys of passwords via the hardware devices.

Software is an Electron-based application, that means the software is developed in a way, that allows it to be cross-compatible across many operating systems and platforms with less work done on the porting of code. This is applied by offering the software as a full desktop application (for Windows, macOS, Linux) and also as a web client using USB/Crypto/Storage APIs offered by a compatible web browser.

The software is open-source and source code can be found on GitHub ( ) and is licensed under their own T-RSL license. This license restricts the act of redistribution of software, also as known as forking.

The software is regularly updated, with updates released on biweekly basis, adding new features and support for new crypto additions, such as adding custom ERC20 tokens in Ethereum. All of the binaries are signed by the Satoshi Labs signing key, ensuring integrity of the binaries released by the developers.


Note: the current observations are done without a cryptowallet and are observed from Youtube videos and blog posts

The software requires a Trezor device to operate. After connecting the device, the client will (depending on the state of the device, if it’s new or not) ask for firmware update. With the update done the user is now able to utilise all of the features of Trezor wallet.

The software is split into two views, the dashboard and account view. Dashboard view serves as a general overview of the device owner’s portfolio and account view allows the user to manage all the wallets and send, receive or even trade funds with other users/market. Trading of crypto’s is offered by a 3rd party service called Invity.

Most of the operations require a physical approval from the Trezor wallet, without the approval the software refuses (and isn’t able) to do even most basic operations.

Communication with the device requires a specialized driver called Trezor Bridge, the bridge contains necessary communication interfaces to allow briding between the Trezor Wallet/Suite and the devices themselves.


Software has small QOL additions such as Discrete Mode (hides sensitive information and are only show on mouse hover), Tor Mode (connects the wallet to Tor network, to mask the traffic).

Links to this page
  • Trezor One

    The device is managed by a software called Trezor Suite, which not only doubles as a device manager but also as a crypto-wallet to manage all funds stored by the device.

  • Trezor Model T

    The device is managed by a software called Trezor Suite, which not only doubles as a device manager but also as a crypto-wallet to manage all funds stored by the device.

  • Trezor

    Aside from that they also develop a software wallet called Trezor Suite, which also serves as a companion app to their devices. The software allows user to update their devices, manage associated wallets and backups. There is also a more lightweight software offered called Trezor Wallet, feature-wise it is similar to Suite, but it has wider support of cryptocurrencies.

  • Main page
  • Archos Safe-T Mini

    The device seems to require their propriatary client, whether it’s possible to use Trezor Suite or Trezor Wallet to connect it with Safe-T is unknown. The device relies on software wallet to do it’s work, reducing confidentiality of the funds on device.