Ledger Nano X

An upgrade to Ledger Nano S. The device introduces larger storage capacity for more apps, faster MCU, larger display, bluetooth connection and battery. The device is marketed as the perfect hardware wallet for mobile users. The device is essentially an upgrade. It’s recommended to refer to Ledger Nano S for categories which are not included here.

At a glance


The device shares the same code base as Ledger Nano S. Running on BOLOS and using shared ecosystem of “apps” as it’s predeccessor.

Most major change is in the hardware, the screen and buttons are no longer operated by the MCU which is highly susceptible to attacks as it was done on the S but by the Secure Element. With MCU only handling storage of appsand USB communication between host device and secure element.

Another change is upgrade of the MCU that allows the X to store more apps, according to the vendor “up to 100”. This allows the user for greater flexibility in using multiple cryptos without the need to reinstall apps if the user needs to do something.


Device has a publicly accessible PDF-version of their manual. Which very broadly and extensively describes all the functions of the Ledger.

source: https://support.ledger.com/hc/en-us/articles/360019514333-User-manual?docs=true


The device is still supported by Ledger and with greater memory capacity allows for higher flexibility and independence from mainline Ledger software client.

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  • Ledger Live

    It is a cross-platform software client for managing Bitcoin and other altcoin assets (on the website it’s allegedly 1800 and more). The software has clients for both the computers (Windows, Mac, Linux) and phones (Android, iOS). The software is also meant for managing Ledger Nano X and Ledger Nano S and it’s firmware.

  • Apps and On Security of Ledger Nano

    Ledger Nano S and Ledger Nano X runs on application-based architecture, akin to mobile devices. An OS called BOLOS is “The open native Operating System developed by Ledger. One of BOLOS’s features is to manage Apps (delete, install) after issurance on the field. This capability offering flexibility allows to enrich the Ledger Nano S/X experience.”, and contains only minimal amount of code related to the operation of the device as a cryptowallet device.